Spring in Denmark 2013 – visit The danish Riviera at Tisvilde Hegn
Forår i Danmark 2013 – besøg Den Danske Riviera ved Tisvilde Hegn.
Its a paradise of sea, forest, dunes and burial mounds from danish bronze age 1500 B.C.
Et paradis af hav, skov, klitter og gravhøje fra den danske bronzealder år 1500 f.Kr.
Tisvilde Hegn. View from top of burial mound "Harehøj" in direction Kattegat. In the horizon you can se the island Hesselø. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Tisvilde Hegn is a 13 km2 plantation in North Zealand planted 1793-1875 in an area between the sea of Kattegat, Tisvildeleje and the largest lake in Denmark Arresø.
The landscape has been formed since the Stone Age more than 5000 years ago by elevation of the bottom of the sea and by big sandstorms from 1500-1700 A.C.
Tisvilde Hegn at Kattegat. View in direction east to Tisvildeleje with Tisvilde forest at right. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Tisvilde Hegn. View from top of dunes on the beach at Kattegat in direction south. In the middle of the photo is a walk-and bike path, which leads from the beach directly into Tisvilde Hegn. On hills in the forest you can visit more than 60 burial mounds from Danish Bronze Age about 1500 B.C. Photo: 23. may by Erik Kristian Abrahamsen.
Tisvilde Hegn is part of the European network called NATURA 2000 and is a nature, animal and plant protected area by European law: EU – NATURE PROTECTION directive and HABITAT directive.
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you can see them in full screen size.
In Tisvilde Hegn there are more than 60 burial mounds:
Tisvilde Hegn. Harehøj. Burial mound at right and a bautasten - single - stone monument in the foreground. From Danish Bronze Age 1500 B.C. In the background you can see Kattegat. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
On Harehøj in Tisvilde Hegn there are 8 burial mounds:
Tisvilde hegn. 2 burial mounds at Harehøj. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik k Abrahamsen
“Harehøj” bureal mounds in Tisvilde Hegn:
Bureal mound in Tisvilde Hegn on Harehøj. View in direction north to Kattegat Sea. In the horizon you can see the island "Hesselø". Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
View to Kattegat Sea as past of The Danish Riviera:
Tisvilde Hegn. View from top of "Harehøj" burial mounds in direction north to Kattegat Sea. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Asserbo Castle Ruin with moat and ramparts:
Asserbo Castle Ruin founded 1100 A.C. Photo: 23 may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Bishop Absalon founded Asserbo Monastery in 1100 A.C. with monks of Karteuserordenen.
After the lutheran reformation in 1536 the danish king got the Asserbo Castle with agricultural buildings and fields in 1560.
Asserbo Castle Ruin. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Spring in Tisvilde hegn. Asserbo Castle Ruin with moat and ramparts.. Photo: 23. may 2013
Map of Asserbo Castle Ruin:
Map of Asserbo Castle Ruin. Click on the photo and use your zoom control and you see it in full screen size. Photo: 23. may 2013
Map of Tisvilde Hegn:
Map of Tisvilde Hegn. Photo: 23. may 2013
Click at the photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.
Sea of Kattegat at Tisvilde Hegn:
Kattegat beach at Tisvilde Hegn in direction west to Liseleje. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Tisvilde Hegn and Sea of Kattegat – part of The Danish Riviera:
Tisvilde Hegn at left and Kattegat at right. 10-15 meters high dunes all the 9 km distance between Liseleje and Tisvildeleje. View in direction west to Liseleje. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
View from “Syv Høje” burial mounds in Melby in direction Tisvilde Hegn:
View from "Syv høje, 7 burials mounds from Old Bronze Age about 1500 B.C. in direction east to Tisvilde Hegn and Kattegat in the horizon - about 10 km away. At left some houses in the village Asserbo. At right you can see one of the remaining 5 burial mounds here i Melby, North Zealand. Photo: 23. may 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Photo and text Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2013
All rights reserved
Map of North Zealand, Denmark surrounded by Isefjorden and Roskilde Fjord at left, Kattegat Sea on top and Øresund at right.