Sommer 2001 i Paris – en poetisk atmosfære af skønhed, kærlighed, glæde og frihed.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.
Late june 2001 I travelled by bus from Copenhagen, Denmark through Germany, Holland and Belgium to Paris.
It took 17 hours to drive this 1200 km to Paris.
Ghotic Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, builded 1163-1350:

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All photos are analog and scanned from paper print.
Last time I visited Paris I was 20 years old – in october 1965, when I hitchhiked from Copenhagen via Brussel to Paris on my 1 year hitchhike trip “around the world” from 27. september 1965 to 5. september 1966 – visiting 35 countries in Europe, North- and Central America, Africa and Asia.
Now its summer – late june 2001.
The next 6 days I stayed in a hotel only 2 km´s walk from Louvre and in a quarter only 300 m from Place de la Republique in 3´ arrondissement.
Place de la Republique:

Every day I met with my friends to visit museums, parks, avenues, squares, churches, cafe´s and restaurants on 6 tours:
Tour 1: Visit to Seine and Ile de la Cité with Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris.
Tour 2: Visit to Place Vendome, Church La Madeleine, L´Arc de Triomphe de l´Étoile, Place Charles de Gaulle and Avenu des Champs- Elysées.
Tour 3: Visit to Montmartre and church Church Sacré-Cæur – view to Tour Eiffel.
Tour 4: Visit to La Défense and La Grande Arche.
Tour 5: Visit to Musée d´Orsay and Musée Rodin.
Tour 6: Visit to Musée Le Louvre and Quartier Latin.
We took the METRO and walked all over PARIS CITY:

Tour 1:
Visit to Seine and Ile de la Cité:
Quai de Seine:

Quai de Seine:

View to Ile St.-Louis, Ile de la Cité and Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris:

Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, Ile de la Cité:

Cathedral Notre -Dame de Paris, Ile de la Cité:

Tour 2:
Visit to Place Vendome, Church La Madeleine, Arc de Triomphe, Place Charles de Gaulle and Avenu des Champs- Elysées:
Place de Vendome:

Church La Madeleine – builded in style roman-baroque and inaugurated 1875:

Avenue des Champs-Elysées:

Opéra de Paris – builded in style late-baroque and inaugurated 1842:

L´Arc de Triomphe de l´Étoile (1836) – Place Charles de Gaulle:

Tour 3:
Visit to Montmartre – view to Tour Eiffel – construction by G. Eiffel in 1889:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see the in full screen size.

View from Church Sacré-Cæur, Montmartre:

Tour 4:
Visit to La Défense and La Grande Arche:
La Grande Arche is a monument to humanity and humanitarian ideals constructed by danish architect Johann Otto von Spreckelsen (1929 -1987) and the danish engineer Erik Reitzel (1941-2012).
La Grande Arche is 110 m height, 110 m depth and 110 m width and was inaugurated july 1989 – 200 years after the French Revolution in july 1779.

La Grande Arche:

La Défense, Paris – view from La Grande Arche:

La Défence – view to Avenu Circulaire:

View from La Grande Arche, La Défense in direction Avenue Charles de Gaulle, Avenue de la Grande Armée to Arc de Triomphe:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see the in full screen size.

La Grande Arche – La Défense:

Tour 5:
Visit to Musée d´Orsay and Musée Rodin:
The Thinker – Le Penseur by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), 1880:
Musée Rodin.

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917):
The Gates of Hell inspired by Dante Alighieri ( 1265-1321) “La Devina Commedia”, “Den guddommelige komedie”:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see the in full screen size.
Musée Rodin.

Auguste Rodin “The gates of Hell” inspired by poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) “La Divina Commedia (Den Guddommelige Komedie) :
Musée Rodin, Paris.

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), Musée Rodin, Paris:

Tour 6:
Visit to Musée Le Louvre and Quartier Latin:

Musée Le Louvre – Entrance “La Pyramide” de glass by I. M. Pei (1988):

Musée Le Louvre – Entrance “La Pyramide” de glass by I. M. Pei (1988):

Mona Lisa – La Gioconda – La joconde painted 1503-06 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), oil on tree, 77 x 53 cm:

Quartier Latin:

In Quartier Latin I met with my friend from Denmark Claus Levy.
Claus is travelling with his son Nikolaj by car from Copenhagen to Paris and later on to Provence in South France:

Quartier Latin on café with my friends from Denmark:


The 1. july 2001 I travelled by bus through Belgium, Holland and Germany back to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Together with my friends from Denmark I enjoyed my week in Paris – such a beautiful city with so mush culture, art and history and love, hospitality, joy and freedom.
In october 1965 I – then 20 years old – stayed 11 days in Paris and felt the same warm poetic atmosphere as 35 years later – now 55 years old – in 2001.
Text and photos copyright 2016 by Erik K Abrahamsen
All rights reserved
Enjoy life – be happy!
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark 8. january 2016.
Best wiches