Nyd 3 parker i Købenavn – Frederiksberg Have, Kongens Have og Botanisk Have – sammen med verdens lykkeligste folk 2016.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.

In march 2016 Denmark won the title of Worlds happiest country according to the World Happiness Report Update 2016, worldhappiness.report.
The report is released by Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) for the United Nations, unsdsn.org.
Its Denmarks third title within the last five year. Denmark won the title in 2012 and 2013 – in 2015 Switzerland won the title.
Frederiksberg Garden – perfect for excursion, picnic, play, run and romantic adventure:
Frederiksberg Garden was builded 1699-1703 by King Frederik 4 (King of Denmark and Norway 1699-1730) in style baroque with long geometric and wide symmetric lines of sight.
In 1802-04 the baroque garden was re-laid to a romantic garden inspired by english garden style with canals, bridges, temples, grottos with springs and winding paths through lawns, groves and range of hills.
Statue of King Frederik 6 (King of Denmark 1808-39 and king of Norway 1808-1814) at the entrance to Frederiksberg Garden:

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View through symmetric line of sight to small hill in background:

Inside Frederiksberg Garden – relaxation at the romantic canals and view to “The Chinese Summerhouse”:

View to rowing boat in the romantic canals:

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View to bridge and a rowing boat in the romantics canals:

Frederiksbieg Castle i Frederiksberg Garden:
The castle was builded 1699-1703by King Frederik 4 (King of Denmark and Norway 1699-1730) and expanded by architect Laurids de Thurah 1732-38 in italien new-classism style:
At right view to Zoo Tower in neighboring Copenhagen Zoo Garden:

View to Frederiksberg Castle and the romantic canals:

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View to Frederiksberg Castle and the romantic canals:

View to Island of Grottos and springs (Kildegrotten) re-established 2004 from the original english style romantic garden established 1802:

View to Island of Grottos and Springs – “Kildegrotten” reestablished 2014 from the original english style romantic garden established 1802:

View to Island of Grottos and Springs – “KILDEØEN” and the surrounding romantic canals:

The Apis temple in greek style in Frederiksberg Garden:

Plate in front of Frederiksberg Castle on top of Valby Hill:
View to Frederiksberg Garden – “Slottets udsigt mod haven”.
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View in front of Frederiksberg Castle in direct east to Quarter Frederiksberg and Copenhagen:

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Plate of view from Frederiksberg Castle and Valby Hill in direction east to quarter Frederiksberg and Copenhagen:

Hiring out of rowing boats in Frederiksberg Garden canals – view in direction Frederiksberg Castle and Zoo Tower:

Hiring out of rowing boats in Frederiksberg Garden canals:

The Chinese Summerhouse – Det Kinesiske Lysthus:
View in direction to entrance of Frederiksberg Garden to Frederiksberg Allé.
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Frederiksberg Garden – view to bird island “Andebakkeøen” at right with regular rowing boat connections in summer season:

Plate with view in direction to Bird Island at right with regular rowing boat connections:

Baby sucking dummy tree, Frederiksberg Garden:
When babies are big enough to live their daily life without their dummies they place them on “the dummy tree” with a written letter.

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On my way back to entrance of Frederiksberg Garden I enjoy this magnificent view of Frederiksberg Castle:
View in direct to Frederiksberg Castle builded 1699-1704, 1732-38 and 1780.

Now I am leaving Frederiksberg Garden at Street Frederiksberg Allé on my way to Kings Garden and Botanical Garden in Old City of Copenhagen:

The “BLUE CIRCLE” – 5 lakes around Copenhagen Old City: Sortedam lakes, Peblinge lake and Sct. Jørgens lakes
View to Peblinge Lake from Queen Louise Bridge – Dronning Louise´s Bro in direction one of 5 lakes of “The Blue Circle” surrounding the Old City of Copenhagen:

View to Peblinge Lake from Queen Louise Bridge – “Dronning Louise´s Bro” in direction one of 5 lakes of “The Blue Circle” surrounding the Old City of Copenhagen:
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In Copenhagen Old City I pass this plate with Map of Copenhagen City:
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I arrive to square KULTORVET between two main shopping streets in Copenhagen City: Frederiksborggade and Købmagergade:
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Square Kultorvet:

I continue my walk with my bike to Krystalgade and Regensen, Round Tower and Trinitatis Church:

In street Landmærket as neighbor to Kings Garden and Gothersgade I have this magnificent view:

Kings Garden alongside street Gorthersgade:

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Happy danes in Kings Garden, Copenhagen Old City:

View to Rosenborg Castle builded 1606-38 by King Christian 4 (King of Denmark and Norway 1588-1648), Kings Garden, Copenhagen Old City:

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Rosenborg Garden builded 1606-38, Kings Garden:

The Queen Royal Guard´s barrack as neighbor to Rosenborg Castle and Kings Garden:
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The Queen Royal Guard´s barrack as neighbor to Rosenborg Castle and Kings Garden:

Botanical Garden, Copenhagen City:
Entrance as neighbour to Nørreport Station and Metro.

Botanical Garden in Copenhagen was founded 1872-74 on ramparts, moats and bastions of the ancient fortifications (1640-64), which surrounded the entire Copenhagen with Kastellet as the main fortress and 24 bastions. The garden was created by H. A. Flindts in english romantic style with springs, fountains, lakes, grottos, bridges and hillocks.
View to Rock Graden – Stenhøjen at left and Palm House – Palmehuset et right:
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Botanical Garden has more than 9000 different species and 20.000 registered plants. The climate in Denmark is excellent for outdoor cultivation of plants from all different countries of the world.
There are more than 20 greenhouses with the Palm House as the largest.
Botanical Garden is a part of Copenhagen University and is a communication-, education- and research garden.
By a donation of A.P. Moeller Foundation Botanical Garden has been renovated with solid new garden paths (excellent for invalid chairs), a 10.000 m2 extension of its area which include the old Observatory on one of the old bastions, new recreational areas and new automatic watering installations for night watering to reduce water consumption and restoration of all the different gardens. All more than 20 green houses have been renewed.
Botanical Garden:
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Rock Garden – Stenhøjen with alpine plants:

Sections in Botanical Garden:
The Danish Garden – the danish flora in miniature, no. 10 on the map (Dansk Kvarter – Danmarks planterige i mini-format),
Annuals Garden, no. 11 on the map (Etårigt Kvarter),
Observatory Hill, no. 12 on the map (Observatoriehøjen),
Rock Garden – alpine plants, no. 3 on the map ( Stenhøjene – alpine planter),
Perennials Garden, no. 1 on the map (Staudekvarteret).
Danish Garden – the danish flora in miniature:
Dansk Kvarter – Danmarks Planterige i mini-format.
Map of Botanical Garden:
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Rock Garden – Stenhøjen with alpine plants:

View from Rock Garden in direction south:
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Botanical Garden – reading, relations, talk and love:

Palm House – Palmehuset in Botanical Garden:

View to White Bridge, sculpture “Discus Thrower “ and Observatory Hill in background:
Garden paths with sculpture “Discus-thrower”, copy by Myron, sculptor in Athen, Greece 480-440 B.C.
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View from White Bridge, Botanical Garden in direction west:

Map of Copenhagen City:
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I hope you have enjoyed this visit to Frederiksberg Garden, Kings Garden and Botanical in Copenhagen, Denmark among all this happy danes and visitors.
Its an honour for us in Denmark to win this United Nations awards: “Happiest people in the world” 2013, 2014 and 2016. Click: worldhappiness.report.
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2016
All right reserved
Enjoy life- be happy!
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark the 3. may 2016
With Love