Oplev cykel-, løb- og gang glide bro i København Inderhavn – en foto fortælling om glæde, kærlighed, skønhed, sjov og frihed.
Photo and text Erik K Abrahamsen.
After 3 years delay and after 5 years under construction walk- and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” between Nyhavn and Christianshavn was opened thursday the 7. july 2016 at 6 PM to the public.
Thousands of danes and visitors have “invaded” the new walk- and bike bridge the last 33 days to enjoy its function and the splendid view from the bridge to the beauty of Copenhagen Inner Harbour.
Bike-, run- and walk slide bridge in Copenhagen Inner Harbour – view to Nyhavn and Havnegade:
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The 180 meter long “Inderhavnsbroen” is one of three new bike-and walk bridges, which connects Copenhagen City in Nyhavn with the quarters Christianshavn, Amager and Holmen on the opposite side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour.
The two other walk-and bike bridges are “Trangravsbroen” (between Christianshavn and Arsenaløen) and “Proviantbroen” (between Arsenaløen and Frederiksholm) and were opened for the public in 2014.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View in direction south to bike-, run and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” and Christianshavn from Nyhavn:
From left to right 8 houses on “the Sunny side” of Nyhavn between Toldbodgade and Kvæsthusgade nr. 55 – 69.
Nyhavn nr. 67 was built 1737 and poet Hans Christian Andersen (1805-75) lived in this house 1845-64.
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View in direction north to Canal Nyhavn built 1671-73 to create a harbour connection from Copenhagen Inner Harbour to center Kings New Place – Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen City:
View to “The sunny side” of Nyhavn.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View in direction south to bike-, run and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” and Christianshavn from Nyhavn:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View to 8 houses on “The sunny side” of Nyhavn between Toldbodgade and Kvæsthusgade nr. 49 – 63 – built 1700-1850:

The 180 m long “slide bridge” Inderhavnsbroen” – seen from Nyhavn/Havnegade in direction south to Christianshavn:
View to one of two stationary constructions of the sliding bridge – one at north side (Nyhavn/Havnegade) and one of south side (Grønlandske Handels Plads on Christianshavn) of Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

The 180 m long “slide bridge” Inderhavnsbroen” – seen in direction north to Nyhavn and Havnegade:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

The new 180 m long walk- and bike bridge “Innerhavnsbroen” is constructed as a “slide bridge”: the two moving components each 24 m long glides to connect and disconnect from opposite of the foundations. It creates an open space of 15 meter width for passing of sailing- and motor boats.
This “Slide Bridge” is a new, unique and creative construction, which has been used here in Copenhagen for the first time in Europe:
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On photo above and below you can see one of two sliding constructions behind the yellow color rail – each 24 meter long fixed together in a kiss on top of Inderhavnsbroen.
You can see the stationary constructions of the sliding bridge at left (to walk and run) and right (to bike) on photos.
The opening space for passing boats between the 2 stationary foundations on north- and south side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour is 15 meter width and the bridge is 5,40 meter above sea level (Frihøjde 5,40 m).
At left and right of above photo you see the one of two stationary foundations of Inderhavnsbroen: one on the Havnegade/Nyhavn side and one on Christianshavn side ( Den Grønlandske Handels Plads) of Inner Copenhagen Harbour.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from top of 180 meter long “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour with at right Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04, Navy Base Holmen built 1680-1989 and museum navy ship “Herluf Trolle” built 1965.
At left on photo Store Houses built 1760-80 and Maersk A. P. Moeller Domicile Building.
In horizon view to entrance of Copenhagen Inner Harbour at Øresund with Fortress “Trekroner” and North Harbour.
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View from top of the 180 m long walk- and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east Copenhagen Inner Harbour :
View from top of walk-and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour. At right island Papirøen with Experimentarium, Copenhagen Opera built 2002-2004, Naval Base Holmen built 1680-1935 with protected Gamle Dock (Old Dock) built 1858 and Shipyard Cranes built 1927 and 1935, Nyhavns Mastekran built by Philip de Lange 1749 and Museum Navy ship Peder Skram built 1965.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View in direction east to north side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour with at left Copenhagen Royal Theatre built 2005. In middle of photo Ofelia Place on Kvæsthusmolen opened june 2016, Amaliehaven built 1983, Store Houses built 1760-80 and Maresk A. P Moeller Domicile Building:
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View from top of “Inderhavsnbroen” in direction west to north side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour with Knippels Bridge built 1935, Danish Department of Foreing Affairs with Eightved Store House built 1750:
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View from Havnegade to residences on south side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour on Quarter Christianshavn to 86 meter high Spire designed by architect Laurids de Thurah in 1750 with statue of Jesus Christ on top of “Our Savior Church” built by Lambert van Haven 1682-96:
The golden globe on top of the spire of Our Saviour Church has a diameter of 2,5 meter and symbolize The Earth and the 3 meter high statue of resurrected Jesus Christ with a victorious banner in his hand symbolize that He is saviour and ruler of all mankind on earth.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from Christianhavn side of new 180 m long bike- and walk bridge “Inderhavnsbroen”:
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Grønlandske Handels Plads – Square of Greenland Trading – view to new walk- and bike bridge “Trangravsbroen” which connects Christianshavn and Island Arsenal øen.
New walk- and bikebridge “Transgravsbroen” connects Grønlandske Handels Plads and Iceland Place on Christianshavn with Island Arsenaløen:
“Trangravsbroen” has 3 leafs:
one stationary from Iceland Place to center of bridge and the 2 other leafs can open up in the air and connects to Grønlandsk Handels Plads on Christianshavn and to Island Arsenaløen on Holmen.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Sailing boats passing the new bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” between two canals: Trangrav Canal and Christianshavn Canal:
A 10 minutes break at “Trangravsbroen” for all bikes-, walk and run visitors passing from NYHAVN/HAVNEGADE along “Inderhavnsbroen” to CHRISTIANSHAVN.
A photo story between 12.00 and 12.15 PM the 10. august 2016:
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

A sailing boat passing bike, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” from Trangrav Canel to Christianshavn Canal at right:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

A 10 minutes break at “Trangravsbroen” for all bikes-, walk and run visitors passing from NYHAVN/HAVNEGADE along “Inderhavnsbroen” to CHRISTIANSHAVN.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

And now the bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” is open for passing from all 3 sides of the new bridge, which connects Island Arsenaløen with Christianshavn and Greenland Trade Place (Grønlandske Handels Plads):
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

New bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” on Christianshavn.
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

New bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” on Christianshavn.
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

New bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” on Christianshavn.
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

New bike-, run and walk bridge “Trangravsbroen” on Christianshavn.
What a joy to see so many happy people of ALL AGES on their bikes, on foot and on run
– with energy, determination, joy, fun, love and freedom of individual expression:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

New walk- and bikebridge “Transgravsbroen” connects Grønlandske Handels Plads and Iceland Place on Christianshavn with Island Arsenaløen:
“Trangravsbroen” has 3 leafs:
one stationary from Iceland Place to center of bridge and the 2 other leafs can open up in the air and connects to Grønlandsk Handels Plads on Christianshavn and to Island Arsenaløen on Holmen.
View from Bridge “Trangravsbroen” in direction north to new bike-, run and walk glidebridge “Inderhavnsbroen” and Nyhavn at north side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from Bridge “Trangravsbroen” in direction north to new bike-, run and walk glidebridge “Inderhavnsbroen” and Nyhavn at north side of Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from bike-, run and walk bridge Trangravsbroen in direction south to floating home boats in Trangravs Canal:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from bike-, run and walk bridge Trangravsbroen in direction west to Christianshavn Canal:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from bike-, run and walk bridge Trangravsbroen in direction west to Christianshavn Canal, Iceland Place at left, Spire with Jesus Christ on top of Our Saviour Church built 1682-94 in middle:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

I hope you have enjoyed my one hour 11.30 AM – 12.30 PM the 10. august 2016 experience of joy, love, fun and freedom here in Copenhagen Inner Harbour with people of all ages and all nationalities – danes and visitors!
Come to Denmark and feel the presence of happiness and freedom – all over the country!
You will be amazed!
And will never forget it!
Map of Copenhagen City and Quarter Christianshavn:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

I have written 3 articles about what to experience on a visit to Christianshavn and Holmen:
Click on “Category” and then click on “Older Entries” and you will find the article.
Late summer 2014 in Christianshavn – a quarter in Copenhagen with old houses, canals, ramparts and an atmosphere of love and poetry
Sensommer i Christianshavn – en bydel i København med gamle huse, kanaler, fæstningsvolde og en stemning af kærlighed og poesi.
Experience Christianshavn – a unique quarter in Copenhagen with canals, sailing boats, kayaks, houseboats and restaurants among the happiest people in the world 2016
Visit Copenhagen Inner Harbour, Christianshavn Canal and the places for construction of 3 walk- and bike bridges
In 2015 three walk- and bike bridges will connect Copenhagen Inner Harbour, Nyhavn and Copenhagen City with Christianshavn, Holmen with its Opera, Film- Music-, Theatre- and Architecture Schools, Naval Base Copenhagen and residental and business areas.
I 2015 vil 3 gang- og cykelbroer forbinde Københavns Inderhavn, Nyhavn og København City med Christianshavn, Holmens Opera med Film-, Teater-, Musik- og Arkitektskolen, Marinestation København samt boliger og forretninger.
Freetown Christiania green area – a paradise for birds
Walk tour on 5 bastions of Copenhagen fortress with ramparts and moats.
Spring, 3-4. May 2012.
and an article about danish history
Experience Copenhagen – 1000 years of history on walk.The Center of power, Tour 1
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen
All rights reserved
Enjoy life- be happy!
Melby, North sealand, Denmark 11. august 2016
Best wishes