Sensommer i København 2017 – oplev poesi, kærlighed, frihed, humor og leg i Latinerkvarteret med gamle torve, springvand, kirker, gamle huse med baggårde, parker og Christiansborg Slot.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen 29. august 2017.
Højbro Square and view to Christiansborg Castle:
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On this late summer day 29. august 2017 I decided to drive from my home 60 km north of Copenhagen at the Sea at Kattegat to Copenhagen to envoy the hot sunny weather in our capital town.
I arrived in Copenhagen City at the lakes at 10 AM and here is my photo story what I experienced the next 3 hours of love, joy, freedom and fun:
The green circle and the blue circle:
The old Middle Age City is surrounded by 5 major parks (The green circle) originated from Copenhagen Fortification with 12 bastions with ramparts, boats and bastions to the land and 12 bastions in Christianshavn to the sea (Øresund) and Amager Island:
Ørsted Park, Botanical Garden, Øster Anlæg, Tivoli and Christiania green area on Christianshavn.
5 lakes (The blue circle) as neighbour to quarters Østerbro, Nørrebro, Frederiksberg and Vesterbro:
Sortedam lakes (2 lakes), Peblinge Lake and Sct. Jørgen lakes (2 lakes).
Map of Copenhagen City:
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Map of Middle Age Copenhegen around 1600-50:
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Here is my photo story:
Part 1. The Blue Circle of 5 lakes:
View to Sortedam Lake and Queen Louise Bridge between quarter Nørrebro and Copenhagen City:
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View to Sct. Jørgen Lake to Planetarium – an astronomical museum, cinema and restaurant:
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View to Sct. Jørgen Lake and Planetarium – an astronomical museum, cinema and restaurant:
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From the Sct. Jørgen Lake I walk 400 m to entrance to park Ørstedparken at corner Nørre Farimagsgade and H. C. Andersen Boulevard.
Part 2. The Green Circle – the parks:
Earky morning atmosphere around 10.30 pm.
Play, fun, love and freedom.
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Early morning at around 10.30 am in Ørstedparken – Kindergarten on walk, run and play:
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Love in the air – Ørsted parken:
View to old iron bridge passing moats to ramparts and bastions.
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Ørsted Park – an atmosphere of peace, love, freedom and joy:
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From Ørsted Park I pass main street Nørre Voldgade and arrive to Latin Quarter of The Middle Age Copenhagen:
Part 3. Latin Quarter in Middle Age Copenhagen.
– inside the fortification of Old Copenhagen with 12 bastions, ramparts and moats against innovation from Sealand and 12 bastions, ramparts and moats in Christianshavn against innovation from Amager Island and Øresund.
In 17´century 2 major fires in 1728 and 1795 destroyed thousands of houses ( in 1728 1400 houses burned down to the ground and in the fire 1795 900 houses burned down to the gound), 4 churches, damaged Copenhagen University and City Halls in Middle Age City Copenhagen City. All houses were rebuilt in 1730-50 and again around 1800-10.
In 2-6. september 1807 the English Navy bombarded Copenhagen City witch destroyed hundred of houses, Copenhagen Cathedral “Vor Frue Kirke”, Copenhagen University and damaged Sct. Petri Church, students residence Regensen, and Trinitatis Church with University Library.
Latin Quarter (Latinerkvarteret) in Middle Age Copenhagen:
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2 houses in Teglgårdsstræde i Latin Quarter rebuilt after the big fire in 1728:
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Larsbjørnsstræde – houses rebuilt around 1730-35 after the big fire in 1728:
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Larsbjørnsstræde – houses rebuilt around 1730-35 after the big fire in 1728:
An atmosphere of peace, love joy and fun.
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Studiestræde in Latin Quarter of middle Age Copenhagen – inside the backyards of nr. 7:
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The main square in Middle Age Copenhagen since the official foundation of Copenhagen by Bishop Absalon in 1167 is Old Square – Gammel Torv.
After the big fire in 1795 which destroyed the Copenhagen the 4´Town Hall on Gammel Torv (Old Square) the square expanded to dubble size with New Square (Nytorv) and a new Town Hall built in roman empire style with pillar by architect C. F Hansen (1756-1845) in 1799. Today since 1906 Domhuset, Copenhagen City Justice.
View form New Square (Nytorv) to main shopping street “Strøget” and Old Square (Gammel Torv) with fountain “Caritas” built by King Christian 4 in 1608:
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New Square, Nytorv with Copenhagen City Justice “Domhuset” – former Town Hall built 1799 by architect C. F. Hansen in style Roman Empire with pillars:
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Old Square, Gammel Torv the main central square on Middle Age Copenhagen since the official foundation of Copenhagen in 1167 by Bishop Absalon.
Fountain “Caritas” built by King Christian 4 in 1608 as the main water supply for Copenhagen inhabitants.
Frech water were led many kilometers in underground oak trees cavities from lakes and rivers north of Copenhagen directed to Caritas well and fountain here on Old Square (Gammel Torv).
View to fountain “Caritas” built 1608 and Copenhagen Cathedral “Vor Frue Kirke” built 1811-29 on the burned to the ground of the former Cathedral by English Navy bombardment of Copenhagen 2-6 september 1807:
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View to fountain “Caritas” built 1608 and Copenhagen Cathedral “Vor Frue Kirke” built 1811-29 on the burned to the ground of the former Cathedral by English Navy bombardment of Copenhagen 2-6 september 1807:
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Student happening on Old Square in Latin Quarter of Copenhagen:
Yesterday monday 28 august 2017 all students in Denmark started they autumn semester studies at universities, technical university and all other high level educations in Denmark.
So yesterday and today tuesday 29 august there are danish and international students all over Copenhagen City enjoining life with fun, play and laugh.
And suddenly – without warning I am in a middle of a student happening!
Here in front of fountain “Caritas”.
5 students guys from all Scandinavia take of this shoos and jump INTO the fountain and start singing!
It unfolds within minuts just before my eyes – in midday around 11.50 am:
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Student happening on Old Square in Latin Quarter of Copenhagen:
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True or not? Denmark is the most Happy people in the world!
What a joy, love, freedom and fun!
Student happening on Old Square inLatin Quarter of Copenhagen:
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I continue my walk through Copenhagen Latin Quarter to Trinitatis Church, Round Tower (Rundetårn), Student residence Regensen – all 3 buildings built 1637-56 by King of Denmark and Norway Christian 4 (1588-1648):
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-and to Square Amagertorv with fountain “Storkespringvandet” built 1896 and one of the eldest houses in Copenhagen: Mayor Matthias Hansen house “Borgmestergården” built in style Germain-Nederland renaissance in 1616:
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and old houses and courtyard in Skindergade to Grøbrødre Square, Amager Square and Højbro Square with equestrian sculpture in bronx of Bishop Absalon – the official founder of Copenhagen in 1167:
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Part 4. Slotsholmen Island.
Only 100 m from square Højbro Plads you will experience the canals surrounding The third Christiansborg Castle – the center of Danish Parliament “Folketinget”, The prime Ministers Office, The High Justice and the royal representative room (De kongelige Repræsentationslokaler), the Great Hall (Riddersalen) and the Royal Church:
The third Christiansborg Castle built 1906-28:
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Slotsholmen Island surrounded of canals and Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
View to canals, Government Administration building “Den røde bygning” built 1721 by King Frederik 4 (1699-1730) and Old Stock Exchange and trade building “Børsen” built 1619-25 in style German- Nederland Renaissance by King Christian 4 (1588-1648):
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

The article to continue later!
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2017
All rights reserved
Enjoy life – be happy!
Melby, Northsealand 30. august 2017
Best wishes