Oplev Dragør – en af Danmarks ældste fisker landsbyer på Amager kun 12 km syd for København.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.
In 1300 Dragoer began as a trading place for herring. In the danish belt Øresund shoals of herring were fished and sold on Skanør trade market in Skåne and on Dragør Trade market on Amager. Merchants from all Europe came to buy the salted herrings in barrels and exported them to the populations in Germany, France and Italy.
In 1521 invited the danish King Christian 2 (King of Denmark and Norway 1513-23) nederland farmers to settle in neighboring Store Magleby to introduce vegetable- and agricultural skills to danish farmers.
In Draoer danes and nederland fishermen settled permanetly in 1600 and expanded their activities of fishing, shipping, shipbuilding yard and marine equipment.
Dragoer Harbour:
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In 1684 Dragoer became the main pilot port with pilot boats to help commercial and marine ships navigating through the small belt Øresund between Østersøen and Kattegat Sea.
Dragoer expanded in 1700 and 1800 with more than 135 families living of fishing, piloting, rescuing operations of ships and men, shipbuilding and for the woman of all ages commercial weaving trade.
Most of the houses in Old Town Dragoer are built between 1700-1850. Today 80 old houses are put a preservation order on – 75 houses in Dragør Old Village and 5 houses in Dragoer Harbour.
In Dragoer Harbour you can buy fresh fish directly from the fishing boats, shops for smoke-curing fish, outdoor restaurants, Pilot Museum (Danmarks Lodsmuseum), Kayak Club, Sailing Boat Club and you can visit The Tourist Office (Dragør Turistkontor). Click: visit-dragoer.dk
In Dragoer Old Village you can freely walk through the small alleys with original pavement between more than 100 old houses builded 1700-1850. You will experience a unique fishing village and harbour – one of the eldest, original and most preserved in Denmark.
Map of Amager Island south of Copenhagen with Village Store Magleby and fishing Village Dragoer:
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Dragoer Harbour:

Preparing the fishes “skrubber” – mostly flounders for sale:

The fisherman shows a stenbider”- zo lumpsucker from today´s catch:
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Pilot House (Lodshuset) builded 1832 and today Danmarks Lodsmuseum with its 16 meter high Pilot Tower builded 1912:
In front of photo:
– a rescuing boat with ice strengthening under its bottom.
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Rescuing boat with ice strentchening under its bottom:

Pilot Boat Ravnen – Lodsbåden Ravnen:

Plate about Pilot Boat “Ravnen” and Dragoer Pilotage Duty and authority with Pilot Station builded 1820-23:
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The Stake Area for drying, maintenance and repairing the fishermen´s nets:

Plate at The Stake Area:
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Wax trough on The Stake Area of Dragoer Harbour:
Beg trug på Stejlepladen på Dragør Havn.

The Stake Area – Stejlepladsen with Shipyard and Pilot Tower on Dragoer Harbour:

Sheds of wood as neighbour to The Stake Area and used by fishermen to store this fishing tackles:
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Dragoer Old Fishing Village – the eldest and best preserved fishing village in Denmark with more than 80 original houses:
Small alley with original pavement with houses builded between 1700-1850:

Dragoer Old Fishing Village:

Dragoer Old Fishing Village:
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Dragoer Old Fishing Village:

Dragoer Old Fishing Village:
Dragør Borgerforening.

Dragoer Old Fishing Village:
A thatcher renew a thatched roof.
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Dragoer Old Fishing Village:

Dragoer Old Fishing Village:

Dragoer shopping area:
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Dragoer Harbour:
Dragør Strandhotel – Dragoer Beach Hotel.

Memorial Stone of the rescue of 6-700 danish jews by Dragoer fisherman and inhabitants from Dragoer Harbour to safety in Sweden in october 1943 under the german occupation of Denmark 1940-45:
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Plate of the rescue of 6-700 danish jews on fishing boats from Dragoer Harbour to safety in Sweden october 1943:
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Dragoer Harbour – area of spare time sailors:

Anchor and cannon Memorial from war between Denmark and England 1807-14:

A spare time sailor paints his boat:
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View to Kayak area and east Island Saltholm and artificial island Peberholmen in Belt Øresund:
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View to Kayak area and northern beach of Dragoer:

Dragør Strandhotel – Dragoer Beach Hotel.
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Dragoer Harbour:
Dragør Strandhotel – Dragoer Beach Hotel.

Dragoer Harbour.
View to Pilot Tower, The Pitch House, The former Harbour Master´s Office and The Tourist Office/ Dragør Turistkontor:
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View to Pilot Tower, The Pitch House, The former Harbour Master´s Office and The Tourist Office/ Dragør Turistkontor:
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The Pitch House:
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The Pitch House – Beghuset:
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The Dragoer Fishing boat “Elisabeth K571” – one of many Dragoer fishing boats rescuing 6-700 danish jews from german occupied Denmark to safety in Sweden octobre 1943 under 2. World War 1940-45:

The Dragoer Fishing boat “Elisabeth K571” – today a museum ship under protection of Dragør Museum:
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View to Dragoer Old Fishing Village from Dragoer Harbour entrance from Øresund:
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View to Øresund, Øresund Bridge and Sweden from entrance to Dragoer Harbour:

View to Øresund, Øresund Bridge and Sweden from entrance to Dragoer Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Dragør Turistkontor/The Tourist Office visit-dragoer.dk
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2016
All rights reserved
Enjoy life – be happy!
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark 31. may 2016
Best wishes
meget fin artikel, virkelig gode fotos. (built, ikke builded)
ps. det er en daglig glæde at bo her
Wonderful photos and helpful, interesting text. Helped me relive a beautiful and memorable day in Dragoer, as part of a Baltic Cruise. Thank you for this. Blessings.
jeg boede i dragoeri 1930-1950 skipperstreade 6 .og have en ualmindelig god tid selv under ww2 1940 jer bragte meget tid paa havnen ,min far var fisker baaden :haabet var medlem af sejlklubben og pilen,disse fotoes kender jeg jo godt med stor eringdring fra mine unge aar john (kendt som jonas eller johannes)