Vinter 2018 Nordsjælland – besøg Danmarks største sø Arresø, Arrenæs halvø, Dronningholm Voldsted og Naturcenter Auderød Havn.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen, 10. february 2018.
Arresø Lake in North Sealand – Denmarks biggest Lake:
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Denmark is a country – 44.000 km2 in size surrounded by 7000 km coastlines with seas, fjords, rivers and belts.
The landscape was founded after the last icecap melting away 10.-12.000 years ago.
The next 6000 years hunters invaded the fjords, sea and rivers to hunt and fish.
3-4000 years Before Christ agriculture developed and small communities were built all over the country.
Sophisticated tools of stone to cut wood, to hunt and to prepare the ground for agriculture were developed 2-4.000 B.Ch.
Later on the main metal for use was bronze 1500-500 B. Ch. and between 500 B. Ch. until today iron was dominant for all purposes incl. weapons.
Winter in Denmark is dominated of a mixture of plus and minus degrees – with some mild and rainy wether – but every years we are lucky to have long periods with minus degrees and snow.
In 2018 the cold weather arrived in january and here i february.
I am living close to Arresø Lake and 9. februar I decided to visit Arresø Lake, Arrenæs, Dronningholm Castle Mounds and Nature Center Auderød Harbour:
Arresødal forest as neighbor to Arresø Canal built 1717-19 for industrial water supply to Frederikswærk weapon and tool industry:
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Plate with map of Halsnæs Coummune with Arresø Lake, Roskilde Fjord, Kattegat Sea, Hundested and Frederiksværk:
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Arresø Canal which since 1719 lead water from Arresø Lake 2 km to Frederiksværk watermills and factories for weapon and tools iron productions:
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Plate of Arresø Lake:
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Walk bridge through rush at shores of Arresø Lake to view point installation to Arresø Lake:
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View to Arrsø lake from view point installation:
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View to Arresø Lake, Arrenæs and Ramløse opposite the lake:
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Plates in view point installation at Arresø Lake:
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Plates in view point installation at Arresø Lake:
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At Arresø Lake and Roskilde Fjord at Lynæs and Sølyst you can observe both the
White Tailed Eagle – Havørn and
Zo Osprey – Fiskeørn.
Plates in view point installation at Arresø Lake:
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View to Arresø Lake, Arrenæs and Ramløse opposite the lake:
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Plate in view point installation at Arresø Lake:
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View in direction south to Arresø Lake and Arrenæs Peninsula:
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Plates in view point installation at Arresø Lake:
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View in direction north to Arresø Lake:
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Walk bridge through rush between view point installation at Arresø Lake and seashore at the surrounding forest Arresødal:
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Frederiksdal forest – view to Arresø Lake and Arrenæs:
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Frederiksdal forest – view to Arresø Lake and Arrenæs:
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Frederiksdal Forest:
Former Royal Danish Naval Drill School “Arresødal” – Søværnets Eksercerskole for værnepligtige “Arresødallejren” indviet 1. august 1945.
– Søværnets Eksercerskole “Arresødallejren” lukket 15. december 1958 og afløst af Søværnets Eksercerskole i Auderød 1958-91 og videreført som Søværnets Grundskole indtil 2008:
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Frederiksdal Forest:
Forest supervisor buildings:
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Arresødal Hovedgaard – Arresødal Hospice:
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Frederiksdal Forest – Arresø Canal, a 2 km connection between Arresø Lake and Frederiksværk and Roskilde Fjord:
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Arresø Canal at Arresødal Brige in Arresødal forest:
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Arresødal Forest.
Half-timbered house close to Arresø Canal and Arresødal Hospice:
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I continue my winter trip at the sea shores of Arresø Lake to Arrenæs Peninsula.
Plate at Arrenæs Peninsula:
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View to Arrenæs Peninsula:
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Arrenæs Peninsula – view to Arresø Lake i direction north to Vinderød Church in the distance:
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View to Arresø and Arrenæs Peninsula:
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Dronningholm Castle Mound at Arrenæs Peninsula – a royal castle and fortress founded around 1200 A. Ch:
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Plate on Dronningholm Castle Mound:
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Dronningholm Castle Mound – view to Arresø Lake and Arrenæs Peninsula:
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Then I drive to Nature Center Auderød Harbour on “top” of Arrenæs Peninsula:
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Plate on Nature Center Auderød Harbour:
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Plate on Nature Center Auderød Harbour:
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Nature Center Auderød Harbour on Arrenæs Peninsula – view to Arresø Lake in direction east:
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Nature Center Auderød Harbour on Arrenæs Peninsula – view to Arresø Lake in direction east:
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Nature Center Auderød Harbour on Arrenæs Peninsula – view to Arresø Lake in direction east to Ramløse village:
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Nature Center Auderød Harbour on Arrenæs Peninsula – view to Arresø Lake Arrenæs Peninsula in direction south :
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Map of North Sealand, Denmark:
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On this homepage I have written this articles (click on text):
Tur på Arrenæs – en halvø midt ude i Arresøen med skove, voldanlægget Dronningholm og bronzealderhøjen Store Maglehøj 74 meter over havet
Frederiksværk – Danmarks første industriby ved kanalen mellem Arresø og Roskilde Fjord
You can find both above articles in category “Historie”. Click on “Older Entries”.
Winter 2015 – experience Tibirke Hill´s and Arresoe Lake in North Sealand, Denmark – dressed in snow, sun and blue sky
Winter 2016 at Kattegat Coast, Tisvilde Forest, Tibirke Bakker and Arre-Lake in North Sealand, Denmark
You can find both articles in category “Vinter”. Click on “Older Entries”.
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2018
All rights reserved
Enjoy life – be happy!
Melby, North Sealand the 10. february 2018
Best wishes